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Can a Catholic stick to Duns Scotus rather than Thomas Aquinas?
158. Contra: Damascenus libro I cap. 4: ((Si iustum, si bonum et si quod tale dixeris, - non naturam dicis Dei, sed quae circa naturam)). >Dicis autem aliquid quod praecedit actum intellectus: ergo ante omne opus et actum intellectus, est aliquid in Deo quod non est natura formaliter. 198 Ista...

Looking for old youth LIFE Train Depot Curriculum
Duns Scotus said: I am working on a research paper focusing on the growth of Church Youth Group ministry in the 1980 - 1990 decades. In one of the churches I was involved in back in the late 80's, we used a curriculum published by The Train Depot titled "Life Is For Everyone" L.I.F.E.

Is buying fireworks a sin? - Christian Forums
Duns Scotus and others, that seems to have been ruled out by more recent papal teaching on this subject, that says breaking morally neutral civil laws is not a sin, as long as you are willing to suffer the consequences (pay the fine, etc.)

The debasement of theology | Page 5 | Christian Forums
This new way of thinking came from earlier nominalist philosophers like Duns Scotus, William of Ockham, and Buridan. We're still dealing with the effects of this oversimplified theology today. As Eric Voegelin pointed out, it has led to people trying to bring down heavenly truths to an earthly level—treating sacred matters as if they were ...



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