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Existentialism - Wikipedia
Existentialism is a family of philosophical views and inquiry that study existence from the individual's perspective and explore the human struggle to lead an authentic life despite the apparent absurdity or incomprehensibility of the universe.

Existentialism | Definition, History, Characteristics ...
Existentialism, any of various philosophies, most influential in continental Europe from about 1930 to the mid-20th century, that have in common an interpretation of human existence in the world that stresses its concreteness and its problematic character.

Existentialism - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
As an intellectual movement that exploded on the scene in mid-twentieth-century France, “existentialism” is often viewed as a historically situated event that emerged against the backdrop of the Second World War, the Nazi death camps, and the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, all of which created the circumstances for what has been ...

What is Existentialism? 3 Core Principles of Existentialist ...
This article introduces the philosophy of existentialism, outlining three core principles shared by existentialists including Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, and more.

Existentialism—Philosophy and Existential Therapy
Existentialism is a philosophy focused on our existence as free beings in charge of finding our own meaning in life and taking responsibility for our actions. Learn about existential philosophy and existential therapy.

Existentialism - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Existentialism is a catch-all term for those philosophers who consider the nature of the human condition as a key philosophical problem and who share the view that this problem is best addressed through ontology.

existentialism summary | Britannica
existentialism, Philosophical movement oriented toward two major themes, the analysis of human existence and the centrality of human choice. Existentialism’s chief theoretical energies are thus devoted to questions about ontology and decision.

Existentialism - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
“Existentialism”, therefore, may be defined as the philosophical theory which holds that a further set of categories, governed by the norm of authenticity, is necessary to grasp human existence.



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