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Michel de Montaigne - Wikipedia
Michel Eyquem, Seigneur de Montaigne (/ mɒnˈteɪn / mon-TAYN; [4] French: [miʃɛl ekɛm də mɔ̃tɛɲ]; Middle French: [miˈʃɛl ejˈkɛm də mõnˈtaɲə]; 28 February 1533 – 13 September 1592 [5]), commonly known as Michel de Montaigne, was one of the most significant philosophers of the French Renaissance.

Michel de Montaigne | French Renaissance Humanist & Essayist - Britannica
Michel de Montaigne (born February 28, 1533, Château de Montaigne, near Bordeaux, France—died September 23, 1592, Château de Montaigne) was a French writer whose Essais established a new literary form.

Michel de Montaigne - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Montaigne (1533–1592) came from a rich bourgeois family that acquired nobility after his father fought in Italy in the army of King Francis I of France; he came back with the firm intention of bringing refined Italian culture to France. He decorated his Périgord castle in the style of an ancient Roman villa.

The Essays of Michel de Montaigne - Encyclopedia Britannica
Montaigne applies and illustrates his ideas concerning the independence and freedom of the self and the importance of social and intellectual intercourse in all his writings and in particular in his essay on the education of children.

The Project Gutenberg eBook of Essays of Michel de Montaigne
Montaigne, on leaving Paris, stayed a short time at Blois, to attend the meeting of the States-General. We do not know what part he took in that assembly: but it is known that he was commissioned, about this period, to negotiate between Henry of Navarre (afterwards Henry IV.) and the Duke of Guise.

Michel de Montaigne — Wikipédia
Le château de Montaigne a été presque complètement détruit par un incendie en 1885, puis reconstruit. En ligne paternelle, Michel de Montaigne (le nom de Montaigne était prononcé « Montagne », car autrefois, on mettait un i devant le gn pour indiquer la prononciation [ ɲ]) est issu d'une famille anoblie de négociants bordelais enrichis par le commerce de la morue [10], les Eyquem.

Essays (Montaigne) - Wikipedia
Montaigne wrote at the height of the French Wars of Religion (1562–1598) between Catholics and protestant Huguenots. Christianity in the 15th and 16th centuries saw Protestant authors consistently attempting to subvert Church doctrine with reason and scholarship.

The complete works of Montaigne : essays, travel journal, letters
Humanist, skeptic, acute observer of himself and others, Michel de Montaigne (1533--92) was the first to use the term "essay" to refer to the form he pioneered, and he has remained one of its most famous practitioners.

What Made Michel de Montaigne the First Modern Man?
Every French schoolchild learns the date: February 28, 1571, the day a well-regarded and uncommonly educated nobleman named Michel de Montaigne retired from “the slavery of the court and of...

Michel de Montaigne Biography -
Examine the life, times, and work of Michel de Montaigne through detailed author biographies on eNotes.



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